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What is C3Tec?

The Criollo Center for Science and Technology of the Caribbean (C3Tec) is an exciting interactive space where people of all ages can find the most thrilling aspects of science at their fingertips. Regardless of age, everyone can actively participate in innovative exhibitions, programs, and events designed to provide the most sensational experiences. With experts dedicated to creating unforgettable moments around science and technology, C3Tec is an impressively engaging place. C3Tec is an integral part of Caguas Ciudad Educadora, where we believe that every citizen should be part of educating our children, not just teachers in the classroom.

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C3Tec is a 501(c) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting scientific and technological culture in an interactive and innovative learning environment. It fosters curiosity and interest in science and technology among everyone who visits us.


To be the leading center in promoting scientific and technological culture, transforming Puerto Rico into a country that generates innovation in its economic and social development.

¡Estamos de aniversario! Nuestro Centro Criollo de Ciencias y Tecnología del Caribe (C3Tec) cumple 10 años de servicio e iniciativas para promover las ciencias y la tecnología entre nuestros niños y jóvenes. Los aniversarios son motivo de celebración, y diez años de transformar el futuro de niños y jóvenes es digno de festejo y orgullo.

Los orígenes del C3Tec nos hablan de la visión que lo conformara, junto con CIMATEC (Escuela Especializada en Ciencias, Matemáticas y Tecnología) y las universidades, como parte del triángulo del conocimiento. Es decir, que el C3Tec es esa primera interacción con los temas de STEAM a través de las exhibiciones, juegos y experimentos. Dicho interés se refuerza con la educación académica primaria y secundaria, y finalmente se consolida con el estudio en carreras dirigidas a las ciencias o las matemáticas.

Además, es parte integral de la iniciativa Caguas, Ciudad Educadora, la cual visualiza la ciudad como un gran salón de clases en el que nuestros niños y jóvenes tienen la oportunidad de adquirir experiencias y conocimiento sobre las áreas de interés vocacional.

Los próximos 10 años se perfilan retadores, con muchos cambios pero con gran esperanza, gracias a las nuevas generaciones, quienes llevan el compromiso ambiental y social en sus mentes y corazones. Desde el C3tec nos unimos para apoyarlos, brindarles el espacio que necesita su creatividad y su curiosidad para sean parte de las soluciones que necesita nuestro país y el planeta.

Agradezco a todas las organizaciones filantrópicas por su auspicio y apoyo, al equipo de trabajo por su gran dedicación y a nuestra junta de directores por su visión y compromiso. ¡Que sea muchos años más en beneficio de nuestra niñez!

William E. Miranda Torres
Presidente de la Junta de Directores

Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva

In 2013, the Criollo Center for Science and Technology of the Caribbean, known as C3Tec, opened its doors in Caguas, Puerto Rico. Since then, we have been the first and only interactive center in the country that promotes engagement with the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) through informal education. At C3Tec, we recognize the importance of encouraging careers in STEAM fields among new generations. We are grateful to our board of directors, founding partners, donor friends, staff, and volunteers who have contributed their valuable support to offer the country a modern and innovative space where we have enhanced the skills and abilities of thousands of children, young people, educators, and families.

We have impacted approximately 600,000 people, including school communities, families, and the general public, through the initiatives and programs developed within our permanent exhibition “Our Bodies, Our Island, and Our Planet.” Key programs include: Girls in Science, Science Encounters, C3Tec Visits You, STEAM for Kids, Maker Academy, Science Nights, Lemonade Day, Tutoring, Traveling Exhibitions, World of Molecular Biology, Biotechnology Days, Green Community, among others.

We are committed to improving the quality of life through science and technology and have actively participated in the 2030 Agenda, which includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the United Nations. These goals encompass a range of initiatives, from eradicating poverty and combating climate change to advancing education, women's equality, environmental protection, and urban development.

As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, we remain dedicated to increasing opportunities for the development of transdisciplinary knowledge in new generations, fostering technical expertise while considering social, cultural, and economic aspects. This is our greatest contribution to Puerto Rican children and youth. We invite individuals, families, the school community, the scientific community, innovators, and creatives to join this celebration and experience the most exciting aspects of science.

Tasha L. Endara Álvarez
Executive Director

Board of Directors

Ing. Félix Rivera Ortiz

Presidente - EngiWorks Corp.

Anthony Ruiz, CPA

Director Senior de Finanzas - Medtronic Puerto Rico

Ing. Exel Colón

Presidente - ECR Engineering

Zamia Baerga Torres

Secretaria de Desarrollo Económico - Municipio Autónomo de Caguas

Ing. Yanira Santos

Gerente General - Aurobindo - Auro Puerto Rico

Víctor Coriano Reyes

Secretario Secretaría de Administración - Municipio Autónomo. de Caguas

Hon. William E. Miranda Torres

Presidente de la Junta de Directores

Mayra Lee Franco Colón

Directora Departamento de Educación Municipal- Municipio Autónomo de Caguas

Ing. Oscar Jiménez Mártir

Director Ejecutivo - Iniciativa Tecnológica Centro Oriental (INTECO)

Zoraida Ortiz Múñoz

Vicerrectora Universidad Ana G. Méndez Recinto de Gurabo / CEO

Management and Administration

Tasha Endara

Directora Ejecutiva

Grace M. Matos Crosas

Gerente Administración

Ana B. Vázquez Sieres

Gerente Recursos Humanos y Reservaciones

Naomi L. Meléndez Meléndez

Gerente Finanzas

Teisha Matta

Gerente Programa Educativo

José Morales Pedroza

Gerente Operaciones

Beatriz Matos Piñero

Asistente Administrativa


Since the late 90s, with the repeal of Section 936 of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, the need for a transformation of Puerto Rico's economic model became apparent. Faced with this reality, our late mayor, Honorable William Miranda Marín, began researching the economic models of the most developed and prosperous countries. Science, technology, and innovation proved to be the economic and social drivers of modern nations. Convinced that Puerto Rico needed to more energetically and effectively encourage its population to enter scientific careers, take ownership of scientific knowledge, and translate it into products and services that would lead to progress for the entire country, Miranda Marín, along with other visionaries, studied and visited the world’s leading science and technology centers.

In 2004, preparing the population for the global knowledge economy was included as a fundamental part of the Strategic Plan of the Autonomous Municipality of Caguas. C3Tec forms part of the Triangle of Knowledge, which includes C3Tec, the CIMATEC school, and the INNOVA Emerging Business Center. This initiative responds to a new development model for the city of Caguas and the East-Central Region based on innovation and patent creation.

After visiting numerous interactive science and technology centers worldwide, the Mayor of Caguas and his team established a collaborative partnership with the Liberty Science Center, one of the largest, most successful, and most visited science and technology centers in the United States and the world, to serve as our technical advisor.

Through a Scientific Advisory Board, composed of scientists, educators, parents, students, and local entrepreneurs, the scientific content of the Center was identified, and Liberty Science Center’s educational and audiovisual proposals were evaluated to ensure their local relevance. It was determined that the Center’s main theme would be the Sustainability of Puerto Rico, presented around three thematic pillars: Our Bodies, Our Island, Our Planet.

Our Educational Program

The educational program at C3Tec aims to impact a diverse audience by promoting a scientific and technological culture through activities aligned with the STEAM disciplines, 21st-century skills, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our focus is to provide tools that foster a better understanding of science, mathematics, and technology in a simple and accessible way. Additionally, we promote innovation, creativity, and the opportunity to design and build ideas that can transform into projects benefiting our society. C3Tec is a 501(c) nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a scientific and technological culture in an interactive and innovative learning environment. It fosters curiosity and interest in science and technology among everyone who visits us.

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